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78 Photo Essay: Nina Absher

“When I walked into Sumiton City Hall on my first day of work, I told them two things,” Nina says with a chuckle. “One, I might randomly burst into song and dance at any given time, and two, we have to be a family here.”

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Photo Essay Guest User Photo Essay Guest User

78 Photo Essay: Jacob Sanders

“I love what I do. Learning about what buyers’ and sellers’ goals are and taking that information, applying it, and matching them with buyers or finding buyers homes and properties that they fall in love with is about as gratifying as it gets.”

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Photo Essay Guest User Photo Essay Guest User

78 Photo Essay: Mike Putman

“Surround yourself with successful people and success will follow you. I did that in Corner, and I’m doing the same thing here at Jasper Main Street. I’ve surrounded myself with forward-thinking individuals who are helping create a successful downtown

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78 Photo Essay: Brian Alexander

“Some people think we just want to put a sign in their yard and get it sold as quickly as possible. The special part is when people understand that you weren't just trying to make a sale, that you were truly looking for the right house for them…”

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Photo Essay Guest User Photo Essay Guest User

78 Photo Essay: Micah Harrison

[Michael] recalls sitting at the dinner table at an early age, listening to his parents and grandparents discuss concerns and problems in the community. It was then that he decided he wanted to run for office one day and hopefully find solutions to those problems.

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78 Photo Essay: Cody Brown

“Having a really good dad was the main structure in figuring out my life. My dad is basically my best friend. I realized I wanted to do that for other kids who didn’t have that in their life.”

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78 Photo Essay: Jordan Hyche

“We were mapping out an American WWII cemetery. I met two Englishmen over there walking through the cemetery whose parents had lived in that area during the war. They told me about their experiences, the food shortages, and so on.”

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