78 Photo Essay: Jacob Sanders

ERA Byars Real Estate

Words by Jenny Lynn Davis | Image by Ryan McGill


Growing up in Sylacauga, Alabama, Jacob Sanders used to take mirrors to school. 

As kids, he and his brothers would spend summers helping with the family business, Sylacauga Glass Company. The business was a staple in the community, and Jacob learned many lessons from his parents, like building windows and properly cutting glass. He observed his father working his craft, making mirrors to give to people in the community.

“My dad loved to make hand mirrors to give away to people, and he would always be sure that I gave all my teachers one every year,” Jacob laughs. “I can still remember going around school carrying a separate backpack full of mirrors that my dad made. Some of my friends still give me a hard time about that, saying I was the teachers’ pet. I was a handful when I was young, so I needed those hand-mirrors to offset my behavior.” 

Beyond the technical aspects of the work at the glass company, Jacob learned valuable lessons from his father that he has carried with him throughout his life“The way my dad treated people speaks volumes to me. He was so giving and generous to anyone who needed his help. People just adored him,” Jacob says. “We never had a lot, but he would give his all to anyone. I truly try to take that approach in what I do.”

Jacob now assists buyers and sellers in purchasing and selling their homes and properties. He serves as a guide for individuals going through one of the biggest transitional phases in their lives. To succeed, he must learn what does and does not work for each client.

“I love what I do. Learning about what buyers’ and sellers’ goals are and taking that information, applying it, and matching them with buyers or finding buyers homes and properties that they fall in love with is about as gratifying as it gets,” Jacob says. “Just playing a small part in this significant time in the lives of others is what keeps me coming back to work every day.”

“Well, that and the opportunity to work where I do,” he adds. “I couldn’t have landed anywhere better than Byars.”

G.L. and Jean Byars established Byars Realty in 1946, and the company has been a leader in Walker County real estate ever since. The business is now operated by Tom and Carol Byars, who happen to be Jacob’s in-laws.

“I’m extremely blessed to be part of their family, but even if that wasn’t the case, I couldn’t imagine working anywhere else,” says Jacob. “Real estate is constantly changing, and realtors have to stay on top of the changes in order to succeed. ERA Byars is such a helpful environment for personal and professional growth and learning that helps us stay at the forefront of the field.”

To those that might follow a similar career path, or that are just looking for ways to make greater strides in life, Jacob offers one piece of advice: “Be a continuous learner.” 

Perhaps this bit of honest self-reflection has helped Jacob more than anything. 78


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