Soul of 78: Gayle Cacioppio
“I learned the importance of great customer service when I was 16 years old, working with Ms. Edith Ivey at Carol’s Boutique. She taught me everything I know about interacting with people and how to pay attention to their needs…”
Living on Bonus Time: The Saga of Bull Corry
“My hands started tingling. Eventually, in a very quick fashion, they became paralyzed.”
The Cake Lady Makes It Big
“My parents are very instrumental in why I do what I do, why I work the way that I work, and who I am, because I was raised by two very strong, hardworking individuals.”
The Western Way
“I believe God kept me here for a reason, and that is to care of these people with special needs that can’t simply go into a department store and buy a pair of shoes. It is my greatest joy to help these people with something we take for granted every single day.”
Fashioned for Success
“I wanted to do a small online business. I got one clothing rack and filled it, and that was going to be it… Very quickly one rack turned to two, and two to three, on and on, and the sales became majority in-person as opposed to online.”
Wholeness is a “Yes” away: Jennifer Terry opens new counseling office in Jasper
"I believe it's important for men and women, especially in the South, to understand they aren't weak for going to therapy or visiting a counselor. It's ok not to be ok….”
Selling Walker County:
How do we recruit new industry, how do we support existing industry, and how do we grow the local economy? One project at a time.
Unsung Hero
“I've lived on the East Coast, and I’ve worked through hurricanes, tropical storms, floods, fires, and all kinds of natural disasters, and…there’s nothing like last year,” Robbie says. “There was no precedent to this…”